

Beam River CLT is an ethnic minority, community-led, community land trust based in East London. Our main priority is the provision and access to eco-friendly, affordable homes as a strategy for mitigating the housing poverty that our community is currently experiencing in London. Our community faces an existential threat of extinction in London and the M25 orbital; thus losing out on the socio-economic opportunities of the metropolis.

To mitigate this threat, we are creating an inclusive community for disadvantaged members of our community through the provision of an affordable housing programme. We see affordable housing as pathway for mitigating the negative impact of mental health caused by loneliness, isolation, depression, exclusion and abandonment of old people in care homes.

Affordable Homes, through the network of support of friends and family members living is a long term sustainable solution to the high cost of social care and care homes. We strongly believe that sustained investment in affordable homes is a cost-effective strategy in adult social care.

Some of the realities with COVID-19 pandemic and its negative impact on the indigenous ethnic community have brought to the fore stark challenges. Our business case has been further strengthened: lack of affordable housing, its consequence on mental health, and income disparity and inequalities resulting in the disproportionate death of people from BAME background.

Therefore, empowering the disadvantaged, low-income community with the right employability and entrepreneurship skills of the 21st century is critical as a coping mechanism now and in future pandemics. Mitigating such negative impact would require access to quality and decent jobs as a sustainable route to affordable housing aimed at reducing the risk and vulnerabilities of the disadvantaged and low-income communities.

We are committed to addressing our members housing needs through a multi-pronged strategy: soft skills of employability and entrepreneurship as a pathways for accessing affordable housing and getting on the housing ladder. Using a private-sector led business model, we intend harnessing group contributions and saving schemes of our members to achieve our medium to long-term goals.

Our short to medium term objectives is ‘Support beyond Housing” and:
1. Provision of information, advice and guidance on affordable social homes;
2. Support our disadvantaged and low-income community to pull resources (financial and material) together to own a home through various housing and innovative saving schemes for our members;
3. Mobilisation of group savings from our members;
4. Improving the lives of our members;
5. Support the growth and development of our members through the provision of diverse range of opportunities of our members;
6. Mobilising equity contributions to buy and invest in property;
7. Enhance communal unity and reduction of anti-social disorders within the BAME community;
8. Reduce social stigmatisation of ethnic minority youths involved in anti-social disorder and their full integration in the wider society; thus enhance social mobility with the United Kingdom.

Membership Application Form

I _________________________________________ (full legal names) support the objectives of the Beam River CLT Limited and wish to apply to become a member. I understand that:
Persons under 16 may not be members.

  • Members each have one vote at general meetings.
  • By acquiring at least one vote, I am signing up to the governing documents of the CLT.
  • If I wish to leave the CLT, I must apply in writing to the Secretary at the Registered Office and that the Board will consider whether my share money can be returned.
  • This application will be considered by the Board and may not be accepted.


Member’s details

I have filled in the information box above and submit this application for membership with my payment of £1.00 (cheques/electronic bank transfer payable to the Beam River CLT Ltd); and additional administrative fee of £19 towards administration and operation of the CLT.
Signed ________________________________________ Date _______________________________

Payments should be made to the following account:

Name of Bank:                  Triodos Bank.
Account Name:                 Beam River Community Land Trust Limited
Account Number:            21402493
Sort Code:                          16 58 10

Privacy Statement
By providing an email address you agree to be contacted by email from Beam River CLT. Application form information data will only be used for communication regarding Beam River CLT activities and will not be shared with anyone else for any purpose.